
Baby Gill #2 - 12 weeks!

How far along?
12 weeks

Maternity clothes?
Not yet! I actually lost a bit of weight during this first trimester due to all of the sickness, so my normal clothes still fit, which I guess is good! I'm not looking forward to bringing down my tote of maternity clothes, and definitely see a shopping trip in the future for a few new items once the time comes that I need them.

I've been sleeping decent lately but waking up a few times in the middle of the night for some reason. Going to bed at 8:15 might have something to do with that ;)

Best moment this week:
Going a whole week without throwing up! Thank you, Zofran!

Miss Anything?
My energy!

Nothing yet. I can't wait to feel those baby kicks again!

Food cravings:
Lots of sweets and iced tea. Give me Sour Patch Kids and I will love you forever.

Anything making you queasy or sick:
Not for the past few days, thank God.

A mystery for now! We have our first trimester screening ultrasound on Thursday and I'm hoping they might be able to give us an idea of the gender then, although last time they wouldn't even take a guess.

Labor Signs:

Overall exhaustion and nausea, although both seem to be getting much better this week.

Belly Button in or out?

Wedding rings on or off?
On, hopefully for the whole pregnancy this time!

Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy - although last week was a rough patch and I was pretty moody for a few days there. I'm ready to say good riddance to "morning" sickness once and for all

Looking forward to:
Seeing Baby Gill #2 on the ultrasound screen on Thursday and having Luke see him/her for the first time! And going to pick up our new camper Thursday afternoon so we can camp out in the driveway this weekend! Hooray for April!

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