
8 month recap

A couple weeks ago, Marleigh turned 8 months old, which kind of chokes me up to see it in writing and say it out loud. 8 months. For some reason, it seems like such a milestone age. She's so much closer to 1 now than she is to newborn, and I catch myself wishing that I could freeze time for just a little while, to keep her little just a bit longer.

At 8 months, Marleigh is really coming into her own with a spunky, happy personality and a stubborn nature that can make you so frustrated and sneaky grins that make it so hard not to laugh when she's being naughty. She knows the way to my heart and is a constant source of entertainment!

She is becoming such a little smarty pants -- just like daddy. She knows how to put the balls into the circles on her toy dragon  and dances whenever she hears a catchy tune. She especially likes theme songs to shows (Parenthood and Grey's Anatomy, to be exact), and cranks her head around to the TV every time she hears them come on. My dad ("Papa") taught her how to wave hi and bye a few weeks ago and she's definitely mastered it, which seems to melt our hearts every time. ;)

She is in the process of getting lots of teeth in, making her pretty miserable from time to time and making us feel pretty helpless when nothing seems to be soothing her. Hylands teething tablets still seem to work pretty well, but I'll definitely be glad when those little suckers pop through her gums! (Even though I'm going to desperately miss her gummy, toothless smiles).

I think we must have gone through a growth spurt lately, because she is starting to grow out of her 6 month pajamas and 6 month pants are starting to look more like capris on her! her 3 month onesies still fit, though... oddly enough. Time for a shopping spree, perhaps!?

Overall, miss Marleigh is the best natured baby I have ever known. She lights up my life with her smiles and gives me hugs and kisses that go deep down to my soul. Even through the frustrations of days with no naps and grumpy moments here and there when her teeth are bothering her, she is my best little buddy and I am so happy and so incredibly blessed to be her momma.

Now if we can figure out how to get the time to at least slow down a little bit, for goodness sakes, that would be great.

I love you with my whole heart and soul, Marleigh Jo! I can't wait for this summer as a family together, watching you explore the world around you and making so many happy memories. Thank you for being mine :)

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