
Marleigh Jo -- 2 months

It's been 2 months (and 5 days) since our precious little girl entered the world. She is growing so much, so quickly, and changing more and more each day. Over the past two months, we've learned so much about being Marleigh's parents. We know her different cries and what she needs, and most of the time, we have the tricks it takes to make her happy! We are completely in love with her, and our hearts are fuller than we ever thought they could be. I have definitely fallen in love with being a mommy!

At her two month checkup, our little string bean weighed 11lbs 8 oz and was 23 inches long!

- Mr. Owl
- Raspberries on her tummy
- Our hair tickling her face
- Sucking on her hands
- Laying on her back
- Playing the piano on her play mat
- Looking at herself in the mirror
- Listening to mommy sing "You Are My Sunshine"
- Sitting on daddy's shoulders
- Sleeping on mommy's chest/in daddy's arms

- Being left alone for any amount of time
- Naps in her swing
- Kisses on her chin/neck
- Wet diapers
- Burp breaks when she's eating

 Baby girl,
You have filled a void in our lives that we never knew existed. Words cannot express how much we love you and all your quirky little ways! You are starting to show quite the little personality, cooing and smiling and telling lots of stories, and I cannot wait to continue to watch you grow! "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me," and I am so proud to call you my daughter! Happy 2 months!

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