31 weeks! We’re in the single digits for weekly countdowns. Eek!
Maternity clothes?
It’s a mish-mash at this point. Mainly maternity with some of my old tops that are long enough to cover the bump!
Meh. I’m just trying to get used the fact that I will be awake at least once in the middle of the night due to baby kicks and a bathroom trip. My 4:00 wake ups have now turned into 2:00 wake ups almost every single night.
Best moment this week:
We had our baby shower this past weekend, and we had all of our guests bring a book for MJ’s “library” instead of a card, so her daddy has been reading her a different bedtime story every night this week. So far, we've read On The Night You Were Born, The Very Lonely Firefly, Clifford, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. My heart melts and I can't help but smile (and ok... cry a little too) when I see how much love Luke has for our little girl.
Miss Anything?
Sleep. I have a feeling I’ll be saying this for a while! Also, if I thought I had "cankles" before, I was so so wrong. I miss being able to wear normal shoes without having to literally peel my feet out of them at the end of the day. Helloooo, Old Navy flip flops!
Tons! Lots of squirms as baby girl tries to get comfy in there, and she seems to be quite fond of my right rib cage lately, which I’m a little nervous about, seeing as I cracked my mom's ribs when she was pregnant with me. Hoping MJ doesn't follow that trend!
Food cravings:
Ice cream, ice cream, and more ice cream. (Rolo McFlurry, anyone?)
Anything making you queasy or sick:
Nothing in particular. I’ve had a couple queasy mornings lately, paired with some decent headaches, but nothing in comparison to those first miserably sick months.
Labor Signs:
Besides my ever-expanding belly, not too much to note this week! Just the usual soreness and slight discomfort. For some reason, by the time I crawl (aka plop) into bed for the night, I feel like my back could easily snap in half. Luckily, I have a great husband who gives me back rubs almost every time I ask!
Belly Button in or out?
My belly button has a mind of its own.
Wedding rings on or off?
Still just the single wedding band. My engagement ring technically still fits, but it’s pretty snug, and it makes me too nervous to wear!
Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy! I had a couple meltdowns over the weekend due to being overwhelmed, overtired, and just plain old moody, but I’m better now… I think ;)
Looking forward to:
Soaking up some Vitamin D this weekend, enjoying the beautiful weather, dinner at the country club with my parents (chicken parm get in my bellayyy), getting the last of the essentials for baby girl, and hopefully finally finally finally decorating Marleigh's room!
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