
Henry Russell - 2 months

Huck turned two months old on 12/8 and to say that he has made life interesting is the understatement of the year! We are still trying to get used to the frequent fussiness and constant need for snuggles that our little man provides on a daily basis. Despite the lack of sleep and occasional lack of patience, I can't help but fall more in love with him every day!

At two months old, Henry is starting to "talk" and coo a lot more. He especially loves being on his changing table and looking up at the pine cone garland hanging from the big mirror in his room. I get the best smiles and gummy almost-giggles out of him while changing his diaper, and his dimples are the cutest things I've seen.

He is quite ticklish and even though he is a lot fussier and more high maintenance than Marleigh ever was, I have a feeling we'll get the first true laugh out of him sooner than we did with her (she was almost four months old).

We made the switch to soy formula a few weeks ago and it has worked wonders on his personality during the day. Also, Karo syrup is a God-send for baby bellies and digestive systems that just can't seem to get their you-know-what together. (Pun 100% intended.)

Huck is weighing in at 11 lbs. 13 oz. and 23" long. He has officially outgrown his newborn clothes, with the exception of a few Carter's long-sleeved onesies that we are still managing to snap on him. For the most part, he has graduated into 0-3 month or 3 month clothes. Such a big boy!

We just started swaddling him at bed time and it seems to work at least a little bit with how frequently he wakes up during the night. We are trying to get him used to sleeping on a mattress rather than in the swing for when we move into our new house and hopefully transition him into his crib.

Huck still hates the bath, yet loves being naked!

We have been trying to increase his tummy time and he likes playing on his kick & play mat for a few minutes at a time. The mirror on it seems to be his favorite, and I don't blame him. I love looking at his little face too! 

Marleigh is still being the best helper and tells us multiple times a day how much she loves her baby brother. She is so sweet with him, and his face always lights up when she talks to him and hugs/kisses him! I cannot wait to watch their relationship grow over the years!

I know I talk a lot about how fussy he is, but Henry really is a sweet baby. He just needs a little extra love and attention (ok...lots of attention) to be content, and I will soak up the snuggles while I still can.

Two months down and a lifetime to go of loving our handsome baby boy! We love you, Huck!

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