
Love is all you need

Yesterday morning, we woke up at the crack of dawn with a hungry, fussy little girl. Luke brought her into bed and laid her down next to me while he made her a bottle in the kitchen. She ate and then was happy as a little clam, wide awake and making her noises, snuggled in between two parents who (even though we were exhausted and just wanted an extra 20 minutes of sleep) love her more than she will ever know.

After a few minutes of unsuccessfully trying to fall back asleep, Luke got up and took a shower while Marleigh and I stayed snuggling for a little while longer. Before I knew it, her silly screams and gurgles turned into tired coos, and I picked her up and put her on my chest in hopes that she would fall back asleep. Not even a minute later, it worked, and I laid her back down next to me, put my arm around her, and drifted back off to dreamland for that much-needed extra 5 minutes.

Once Luke left for work, Marleigh and I woke up and started getting ready for our day. I changed her diaper, got her into her festive heart pants, and made my way into the kitchen, where a beautiful bouquet of flowers and two cards sat on the table. One for "mommy" and one for "Marleigh". I smiled and opened them one at a time, reading the words from a wonderful man who loves us so well. Reading the card for Marleigh, I was instantly brought to tears, and I was overcome with gratefulness that our little love has a daddy who will always be her favorite Valentine!

This little family of mine, my amazing husband and our beautiful little girl, they have my whole heart; and I am pretty darn thankful.

I hope your Valentine's Day was beautiful, and that someone, somewhere made you feel loved. Because you are!


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